News & Specials
Now Hiring
Unique job opportunity for a great veterinarian! Part-time to full-time position available in a relaxed setting with an amazing work/life balance. Flexible schedule when needed, with no weekends required. An energetic...
Spring Brings Fleas and Ticks
Pet Lovers: Spring is almost here :)!! With spring, there comes a lot of renewal and spring cleaning and prep. Are your furry friends ready? With warmer weather comes more hiking, travel and outdoor activities. Your...
Ask Your Veterinarian
As pet owners we have so many questions about our pet’s health and care, and sometimes it is hard to know where to turn for help. Although using “Dr. Google” can be tempting, it can lead you to unnecessary worry or...
Ask Your Veterinarian: A Holistic Approach
1) Is there a holistic approach to treating/preventing “fatty tumors” (usually benign) in dogs? Lipomas are masses formed of adipose (fat) tissue, found very commonly in middle-aged to older dogs. They are usually...
February Is Dental Month
Good news: February is dental month, which means 10% off your pets’ Dental Prophylaxis! Dental disease is a very significant cause of oral pain in our pets, as well as being a smelly problem. It can often go overlooked...
What is involved in a ‘Dental’?
You may have been advised at some point that your pet needs a ‘dental’. But what does this mean? And why is it such a big deal? Importance Dental disease is a BIG problem. Similarly to in people, dental disease is...
Heart Worm Check-up Time Again!
Time For Heart Worm Check-ups! Finally it’s Spring! And with spring comes heart worm check-up time again. Call to make an appointment for your pet’s annual heart worm check-up and make sure you have plenty of heart...
Heartworm Season
Whether your pet is a couch potato or spends most of their time outside, they need to be treated monthly for heartworm. The weather is starting to warm-up here in Michigan. If you choose to administer heartworm...
Spring Heart Worm Test
Spring is finally here; time to have your pet in for their annual heart worm test. Why should you have your dog or cat tested? Heart worm disease is passed on through mosquitoes, which can affect your dog whether it’s...
Protect Your Pet From Ticks
Ticks- What’s the harm? Its summer and ticks seem to be everywhere. We have had more pets brought in for the removal of ticks than usual. If you decide to remove the tick on your own, carefully grasp the tick with a...